Renewable Energy Opportunities and Issues on the Outer Continental Shelf

House Natural Resources Committee
   Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee
1324 Longworth

04/24/2007 at 02:00PM

The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans, led by Del. Madeleine Z. Bordallo (D-GU), and Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, led by Rep. Jim Costa (D-CA), will hold a joint oversight hearing on “Renewable Energy Opportunities and Issues on the Outer Continental Shelf.” Witnesses: Panel 1 Mike Olsen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management, Department of the Interior Ann F. Miles, Director, Division of Hydropower Licensing, Office of Energy Projects, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Tim Keeney, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce Ted Diers, Coastal States Organization

Panel 2 Sean O’Neill, President, Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition Jason Bak, Chief Executive Officer, Finavera Renewables Zeke Grader, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Association Doug Rader, Ph.D., Principal Scientist for Oceans and Estuaries, Environmental Defense George Hagerman, Senior Research Associate, Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute Porter Hoagland, Ph.D., Research Specialist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute