House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
2318 Rayburn
04/17/2007 at 10:00AM
S.731, to develop a methodology for, and complete, a national assessment
of geological storage capacity for carbon dioxide, and S.962, to amend
the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to reauthorize and improve the carbon
capture and storage research, development, and demonstration program of
the Department of Energy.
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
366 Dirksen
04/16/2007 at 02:30PM
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
366 Dirksen
04/12/2007 at 10:00AM
The Committee will meet in OPEN SESSION to
conduct a
on “An Examination of the Availability and Affordability of Property and
Casualty Insurance in the Gulf Coast and Other Coastal Regions”.
Panel I
Panel II
- Dr. Edward Lazear, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors
Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee
538 Dirksen
04/11/2007 at 10:00AM
Oversight field
on “Sustainable Water Supplies for the West: Part 1 – Protecting
Groundwater Resources”.
Kellogg West Conference Center, California State Polytechnic University,
Panel I Overview of Regional Perchlorate Contamination and Regional
Water Supply Outlook
- Joe Baca, Jr., Councilman, City of Rialto, CA
- Celeste Cantu’, Executive Director, Santa Ana Watershed Project
Authority, Riverside, CA
- Robert DeLoach, General Manager/Chief Executive Officer, Cucamonga
Valley Water District, Rancho Cucamonga, CA
- Penny Newman, Executive Director, Center for Community Action and
Environmental Justice, Riverside, CA
- Phil Wyels, Assistant Chief Counsel State Water Resources Control
Board, Sacramento, CA
Panel II Local Water Supply Impacts from Perchlorate; Options for
Treatment; and Long-Term Outlook for the Water Supply
- Brad Coffey, Water Treatment Section Manager, Metropolitan Water
District, Los Angeles, CA
- Anthony W. Araiza, General Manager-Secretary, West Valley Water
District, Rialto, CA
- Bob Martin, General Manager, East Valley Water District, Highland, CA
- Michael Whitehead, Board Member, San Gabriel Basin Water Quality
Authority, West Covina, CA
House Natural Resources Committee
Water and Power Subcommittee
2322 Rayburn
04/10/2007 at 06:00AM
The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Fisheries,
Wildlife and Oceans, led by Del. Madeleine Z. Bordallo (D-GU), will hold
an oversight
on ocean policy priorities in the United States.
Panel 1
- Admiral James D. Watkins, Co-chair, Joint Ocean Commission Initiative
- Leon Panetta, Co-chair, Joint Ocean Commission Initiative
Panel 2
- Mary M. Glackin, Assistant Administrator for Program Planning and
Integration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S.
Department of Commerce
House Natural Resources Committee
Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee
1324 Longworth
03/29/2007 at 10:00AM
Redacting the Science of Climate
Government Accountability Project Report
- Dr. James J. McCarthy, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Biological
Oceanography, Harvard University, Board Member, Union of Concerned
- Sheldon Rampton, SourceWatch, Co-Author of “Trust Us, We’re Experts!”
- Tarek Maassarani, Government Accountability Project
- Jeff Kueter, George C. Marshall Institute
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
Oversight Subcommittee
2318 Rayburn
03/28/2007 at 02:00PM
The House Natural Resources Committee will hold an oversight hearing on
“Access Denied: The Growing Conflict Between Fishing, Hunting, and
Energy Development on Federal Lands.” Witnesses: Mr. Steve Williams,
President & CEO, Wildlife Management Institute
Representative Dan Gibbs, Colorado State Representative, House District
56 Mr. William Hite, General President, United Association of Journeymen
and Apprentices in the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry Mr. Kinsey M.
Robinson, International President, United Union of Roofers,
Waterproofers & Allied Workers Dr. Rollin D. Sparrowe, Board Member,
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership Mr. Charles E. Greenhawt,
Manager, Government Affairs, Questar Exploration and Production Co.
Questar Corporation Mr. Stephen P. Mealey, Boone and Crockett Club
House Natural Resources Committee
1324 Longworth
03/27/2007 at 10:30AM
- Former Vice President Al Gore
- Global warming skeptic Bjorn Lomborg
- An immediate “carbon freeze” that would cap U.S.
CO2 emissions at current levels, followed
by a program to generate 90% reductions by 2050.
- Start a long-term tax shift to reduce payroll taxes and increase
taxes on CO2 emissions.
- Put aside a portion of carbon tax revenues to help low-income people
make the transition.
- Create a strong international treaty by working toward “de facto
compliance with Kyoto” and moving up the start date for Kyoto’s
successor from 2012 to 2010.
- Implement a moratorium on construction of new coal-fired power
plants that are not compatible with carbon capture and
- Create an “ELECTRANET”—a smart electricity grid that allows
individuals and businesses to feed power back in at prevailing
market rates.
- Raise CAFE standards.
- Set a date for a ban on incandescent light bulbs.
- Create “Connie Mae,” a carbon-neutral mortgage association, to help
defray the upfront costs of energy-efficient building.
- Have the SEC require disclosure of carbon
emissions in corporate reporting, as a relevant “material risk.”
House Energy and Commerce Committee
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
Energy Subcommittee
2123 Rayburn
03/21/2007 at 09:30AM