Gone with the Wind: Impacts of Wind Turbines on Birds and Bats

The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans, led by Del. Madeleine Z. Bordallo (D-GU), will hold an oversight hearing entitled, “Gone with the Wind: Impacts of Wind Turbines on Birds and Bats.” Witnesses: Panel 1 Honorable Alan B. Mollohan, Member of Congress

Panel 2 Mr. Dale Hall, Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Mr. Edward B. Arnett, Conservation Scientist, Bat Conservation International Dr. Michael Fry, Ph.D., Director, Birds and Pesticides, American Bird Conservancy Mr. Eric R. Glitzenstein, Partner, Meyer Glitzenstein and Crystal Mr. Michael Daulton, Director of Conservation Policy, National Audubon Society

House Natural Resources Committee
   Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee
1324 Longworth

05/01/2007 at 10:00AM

Establishing the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)

Committee page.

H.R. 364 establishes an Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E) within the U.S. Department of Energy, similar to the successful DARPA program within the Department of Defense. With a lean and agile organization ARPA-E will assemble cross-disciplinary research teams focused on addressing the nation’s most urgent energy needs through high-risk research and the rapid development of transformational clean energy technologies. By leveraging talent in all sectors – from private industry, to universities, to government labs – ARPA-E will foster a robust and cohesive community of energy researchers and technology developers in the U.S. This bill follows on the direct recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences’ report “Rising Above the Gathering Storm.”


  • Dr. Stephen R. Forrest
  • Mr. John Denniston
  • Mr. William B. Bonvillian
  • Dr. Richard Van Atta
House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
   Energy Subcommittee
2318 Rayburn

04/26/2007 at 02:00PM

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H.R. 1462

The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Water and Power, led by Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-CA), will hold a legislative hearing on H.R. 1462, the “Platte River Recovery Implementation Program and Pathfinder Modification Authorization Act.” Witnesses: Panel 1 Jason Peltier, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, Bureau of Reclamation, Washington, D.C.

  • Mr. Peltier will be accompanied by Mark Butler of the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Bureau of Reclamation’s Great Plains Regional Director, Mike Ryan

Panel 2 Alan Berryman, Assistant General Manager, Engineering Division Northern Colorado, Water Conservancy District, Berthoud, Colorado Ann Bleed, Executive Director, Nebraska Department of Natural Resources, Lincoln, Nebraska Ted Kowalski, Program Manager, Colorado Water Conservation Board, Denver, Colorado Dan Luecke, Platte River Issues Consultant to the National Wildlife Federation, Boulder, Colorado Mike Purcell, Director, Wyoming Water Development Commission, and Chairman of the Governance Committee, Cheyenne, Wyoming

House Natural Resources Committee
   Water and Power Subcommittee
1324 Longworth

04/26/2007 at 02:00PM

S.312 and H.R.497, bills to authorize the Marion Park Project and Committee of the Palmetto Conservation Foundation to establish a commemorative work on Federal land in the District of Columbia and its environs to honor Brigadier General Francis Marion, S

Subcommittee hearing.


Panel I

Panel II

  • Timmy Kerner, Mayor, Laffitte, LA
  • Kim Burdick, National Chairman, National Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route Association
  • Linda Borkow, Dobbs Ferry Historical Society
  • Gary Werner, Executive Director, Partnership for the National Trail System
  • James Brown, Washington Office Director, City of St. Louis
  • General Carl Reddel, Executive Director, Eisenhower Memorial Commission
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
   National Parks Subcommittee
336 Dirksen

04/26/2007 at 01:00PM

Clean coal technology

The Subcommittee will consider different clean coal technologies available today, including carbon capture and sequestration, and in the near-term, that can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants.


  • Joseph Chaisson, Director of Research and Technology, Clean Air Task Force
  • Roberto R. Denis, Senior Vice President, Sierra Pacific Resources
  • Michael W. Rencheck, Senior Vice President for Engineering, Projects, and Field Services, American Electric Power
  • Dr. Gregory J. McRae, Hoyt C. Hottel Professor of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • John M. Wilson, Chief Operating Office for the Environmental Systems and Services Group, Siemens Corporation
Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee
   Science, Technology, and Innovation Subcommittee
253 Russell

04/26/2007 at 10:00AM

Coal, focusing on a clean future

Opening statement from Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.): In today’s hearing in the new Finance Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure, we look forward to hearing testimony on advanced coal technologies. As we discuss energy policy and how to best use coal, a natural resource that we have in abundance, to enhance our energy security, it is important that we learn more about the feasibility of various advanced clean coal technologies that feature clean emissions and allow carbon sequestration and storage.

In our current tax code, we have several tax incentives for these technologies, including investment tax credits for investments in advanced coal technologies and accelerated depreciation to address the capital costs involved in these technologies. We hope during this hearing to collect testimony regarding the response of the market in general, and of coal producers and utilities in particular, to these incentives. We are also interested in hearing your views on new incentives that might be more effective in helping us achieve our energy policy goals. In particular, we sought testimony from experts on:

  • Clean coal and gasification projects, including the newly announced Wyoming Coal Gasification Project, a private-public partnership formed to develop an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant.
  • Coal to liquids, the process of making liquid fuels from coal
  • Refined coal production tax credits
  • The costs of establishing new facilities as well as retrofitting existing coal-fired power plants.

We also look forward to hearing these experts’ views on the feasibility and future of carbon capture and sequestration as well as the market for sequestered carbon. Sequestered carbon can be used in many useful technologies, including enhanced oil recovery. A primary focus of energy policy discussions is the abundance of coal in the U.S. This hearing represents our first examination of the possibilities of that endowment.


  • Steve Waddington, Executive Director, Wyoming Infrastructure Authority
  • Dr. Nina French, ADA-ES, Director, Clean Coal Combustion
  • John Diesch, President, Rentech Energy Midwest Corporation
  • Dr. Brian McPherson, Research Scientist, Petroleum Recovery Research Center, NM Tech and Manager, Carbon Engineering Group Energy and Geoscience Institute, University of Utah
  • Bill Townsend, CEO, Blue Source
Senate Finance Committee
215 Dirksen

04/26/2007 at 10:00AM

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Land-Use Issues Associated with Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing and Development

The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, led by Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), and Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, led by Rep. Jim Costa (D-CA), will hold a joint oversight hearing on “Land-Use Issues Associated with Onshore Oil and Gas Leasing Development.” Witnesses: Panel 1 Henri Bisson, Deputy Director, Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior Tony L. Ferguson, Director, Minerals and Geology Management, Forest Service, Department of Agriculture

Panel 2 John Emmerich, Deputy Director, Wyoming Game and Fish Department Jewell James, Member, Lummi Nation Honorable Maxine Natchees, Chairwoman, Northern Ute Tribe

Panel 3 Steve Adami, Powder River Basin Resource Council Ashley Korenblat, Owner, Western Spirit Cycling Claire M. Moseley, Executive Director, Public Lands Advocacy Roger Muggli, Northern Plains Resource Council Peggy Utesch, Western Organization of Resource Councils & Western Colorado Congress

House Natural Resources Committee
   National Parks, Forests and Public Lands Subcommittee
1334 Longworth

04/26/2007 at 10:00AM

Global Warming

House Appropriations Committee
B-308 Rayburn

04/26/2007 at 09:30AM

S.462, to approve the settlement of the water rights claims of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation in Nevada, to require the Secretary of the Interior to carry out the settlement



  • Allen Biaggi, Director, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, State of Nevada
  • Kyle Prior, Chairman, Shoshone-Paiute Tribes, Duck Valley Reservation
  • W. Patrick Ragsdale, Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs
  • Harry Reid, U.S. Senator from Nevada
Senate Indian Affairs Committee
485 Russell

04/26/2007 at 09:00AM

Renewable Energy Opportunities and Issues on the Outer Continental Shelf

The House Natural Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans, led by Del. Madeleine Z. Bordallo (D-GU), and Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, led by Rep. Jim Costa (D-CA), will hold a joint oversight hearing on “Renewable Energy Opportunities and Issues on the Outer Continental Shelf.” Witnesses: Panel 1 Mike Olsen, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management, Department of the Interior Ann F. Miles, Director, Division of Hydropower Licensing, Office of Energy Projects, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Tim Keeney, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans and Atmosphere, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce Ted Diers, Coastal States Organization

Panel 2 Sean O’Neill, President, Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition Jason Bak, Chief Executive Officer, Finavera Renewables Zeke Grader, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Association Doug Rader, Ph.D., Principal Scientist for Oceans and Estuaries, Environmental Defense George Hagerman, Senior Research Associate, Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute Porter Hoagland, Ph.D., Research Specialist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

House Natural Resources Committee
   Water, Oceans and Wildlife Subcommittee
1324 Longworth

04/24/2007 at 02:00PM