Senate Passes Baucus-Grassley Tax Extenders Package With Clean And Dirty Fuel Incentives

Posted by Brad Johnson on 09/23/2008 at 08:05PM

By a vote of 93-2 (Crapo and Kyl opposed; Biden, DeMint, Kennedy, McCain, and Obama abset), the Senate passed the Baucus-Grassley Energy Improvement and Extension Act (S.Amdt. 5633 to H.R. 6049) this afternoon. The $100 billion bill extends the solar incentives through 2016 and other renewable production tax credits for one or two years. There are $8.3 billion in funds for this year’s climate disasters, including the Midwest floods and Gulf Coast hurricanes. Some tax breaks for oil companies are rolled back, but the bill is far from fully funded (even ignoring the giant AMT protection).

Significant elements of the bill, as passed: Energy incentives

  • Extends for one or two years and expands production tax credits for wind, refined coal, biomass and marine renewables. $5.8 billion.
  • Extends through 2016 the investment tax credit for solar energy. $1.9 billion.
  • Extends through 2016 the credit for residential solar property. $1.3 billion.
  • Provides new tax credits for creation of advanced coal electricity projects and certain coal gasification projects. $1.4 billion.
  • Establishes a new credit for plug-in electric drive vehicles. $758 million.
  • Extends credit for energy-efficient improvements to existing homes. $837 million.

Alternative Minimum Tax

  • Increases personal credits against the AMT, shielding more than 20 million taxpayers from the tax. $61.8 billion.
  • Protects those exposed to the AMT because of incentive stock options. $2.3 billion.

Individual and business tax credits

  • Extends until end of 2009 the research and development credit. $19 billion.
  • Extends until end of 2009 the deduction for state and local general sales taxes. $3.3 billion.
  • Extends until end of 2009 a tax deduction for higher education costs. $5.3 billion.
  • Extends until end of 2009 a deduction for a teacher’s personal expenses. $410 million.
  • Lowers the refundable threshold for the child tax credit for the 2008 tax year. $3.1 billion.


  • Requires private insurance plans that offer mental health benefits to offer such benefits on a part with medical-surgical benefits. $3.9 billion.
  • Provides tax relief to victims of natural disasters in Midwest and elsewhere. $8.3 billion.

Environmental Coalition on Baucus-Grassley: 'Pass Clean Energy Incentives; Strip out Provisions that Support Dirty Fuels'

Posted by Brad Johnson on 09/18/2008 at 04:25PM

A coalition of 16 environmental organizations (and the League of Women Voters) is sending a joint letter to U.S. Senators indicating a joint position on the Baucus-Grassley tax extenders package (H.R. 6049). They write:

On behalf of our millions of members and activists, we urge Congress to pass the clean energy tax incentives included in the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008 and strip the bill of incentives for dirty fossil fuels. Congress should take this opportunity to promote a new energy economy and begin the fight against global warming, and not reward the big oil and dirty coal industries.

The organizations are the Alaska Wilderness League, Audubon, the Center for International Environmental Law, Clean Water Action, Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, Environment America, the Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Earth, League of Conservation Voters, League of Women Voters of the United States, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, The Wilderness Society, and the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The National Wildlife Federation, because of the “sweeping new federal subsidies for oil shale, tar sands and liquid coal refining,” “dirty fuels that will dramatically increase global warming pollution and threaten millions of acres of wildlife habitat,” is sending a letter in unambiguous opposition to Baucus-Grassley.

The text of both letters is after the jump.

The Eight Missed Votes

Posted by Brad Johnson on 09/12/2008 at 09:11AM

In August, Tom Friedman penned “Eight Strikes and You’re Out” on McCain’s record on extending renewable energy production and investment tax credits:

Senator McCain did not show up for the crucial vote on July 30, and the renewable energy bill was defeated for the eighth time. In fact, John McCain has a perfect record on this renewable energy legislation. He has missed all eight votes over the last year — which effectively counts as a no vote each time. Once, he was even in the Senate and wouldn’t leave his office to vote.

The eight votes:

  • July 30: S. 3335 filibustered 51-43 [Roll Call #192]
  • June 17: H.R. 6049 filibustered 52-44 [Roll Call #150]
  • June 10: H.R. 6049 filibustered 50-44 [Roll Call #147]
  • April 10: S. Amdt. 4419 (tax credits without offsets, attached to Dodd housing bill) passes 88-8 [Roll Call #95]
  • February 6: S. Amdt 3983 to H.R. 5140 (tax credits without offsets, attached to stimulus package) filibustered by one vote (58-41; Reid procedural vote with GOP, McCain not voting) [Roll Call #8]
  • December 13: H.R. 6 filibustered by one vote (59-40; Landrieu with GOP, McCain not voting) [Roll Call #425]
  • December 7: H.R. 6 filibustered 53-42 [Roll Call #416]
  • June 21: S.Amdt. 1704 filibustered 57-36 (Landrieu with GOP, Boxer, Brownback, Coburn, Johnson, McCain, Sessions not voting) [Roll Call #223]

The one time the tax credit extension passed, it was known to be a deal-breaker in the House, since there was no funding mechanism approved and it was tied to the housing bill.

See Hill Heat’s earlier timeline of Republican obstruction on extending the renewable tax credits.

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