Club for Growth, Environmental Defense Action Fund, Launch Dueling Lieberman-Warner Campaigns

Posted by Brad Johnson on 05/29/2008 at 09:40AM

The conservative Club for Growth has launched a $250,000 radio and television campaign targeting several coal-state senators in opposition to the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act (S. 2191/3036). The Environmental Defense Action Fund, the C(4) side of the Environmental Defense Fund, has also begun a much larger $4 million campaign that comes on top of the estimated $8.5 million already spent this year in support of the cap-and-trade legislation.

The text of the Club for Growth ad running in Tennessee:

Congress is at it again. This time they’re pushing massive new taxes and regulation in the name of global warming. But let’s ask ourselves, are the unproven benefits of legislation worth the major job losses, new taxes and increased energy costs that could result?

Call Senator Lamar Alexander and tell him to vote “no” on the Lieberman-Warner climate bill. Tennesseans just can’t afford another huge, costly government program.

Club for Growth Environmental Defense

Club for Growth:

  • Tennessee (Republican Bob Corker)
  • North Carolina (Republican Elizabeth Dole)
  • West Virginia (Democrats Robert Byrd and Jay Rockefeller)
  • Montana (Democrats Max Baucus and John Tester)


  • Arkansas (Democrats Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor)
  • Colorado (Republican Wayne Allard and Democrat Ken Salazar)
  • Florida (Republican Mel Martinez)
  • Indiana (Republican Richard Lugar and Democrat Evan Bayh)
  • Missouri (Republican Kit Bond and Democrat Claire McCaskill
  • Nebraska (Republican Chuck Hagel and Democrat Ben Nelson)
  • New Hampshire (Republicans Judd Gregg and John Sununu)
  • New Mexico (Republican Pete Domenici and Democrat Jeff Bingaman)
  • North Carolina (Republican Richard Burr)
  • North Dakota (Democrats Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan)
  • Ohio (Republican George Voinovich and Democrat Sherrod Brown)
  • Pennsylvania (Republican Arlen Specter and Democrat Robert Casey)
  • Tennessee (Republicans Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker)
  • Virginia (Democrat Jim Webb)

E&E News:

The Environmental Defense Fund ads also are running in the districts of several influential House members, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), Energy and Commerce Chairman John Dingell (D-Mich.), Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.).