08 2007
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Larson Carbon Tax Bill: America's Energy Security Trust Fund Act (HR 3416)
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HR 3416, carbon tax
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Framing language
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John Dingell Announces Global Warming Proposal
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John Dingell, cap and trade, carbon tax
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Dingell-Global Warming Town Hall
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John Dingell
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Debate on Cap and Trade with Environmental Defense
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Lieberman-Warner, cap and trade, enviros, Environmental Defense
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A Look at Evangelicals and Global Warming
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Dingell-Global Warming Town Hall
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John Dingell
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House Passes Energy Package with Renewable Energy Standard Provision
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HR 3221, HR 2776, House energy bill
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House Energy Package Votes Likely Delayed to Saturday
posted in
HR 3221, HR 2776, House energy bill, renewable energy standard