Snowe Announces Support for Lieberman-Warner

Posted by Brad Johnson on 05/23/2008 at 09:09AM

On Wednesday, Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) announced her support for S. 3036, saying it “mirrors closely” the Kerry-Snowe Global Reduction Act (S. 485), which calls for a 65 percent reduction from 2000 levels of greenhouse gases by 2050. Snowe also noted that language from the Feinstein-Snowe Emission Allowance Market Transparency Act (S. 2423) was included in the manager’s mark.

Unlike Lieberman-Warner, Kerry-Snowe also sets a goal of achieving a greenhouse gas stabilization target of 450 ppm, and calls for the establishment of vehicle emissions standards. In Snowe’s press release, she states that Lieberman-Warner “would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 66 percent by 2050,” although NRDC analysis of the bill finds that Lieberman-Warner would only achieve reductions between 60 to 65 percent from 2000 levels.

Climate Change Bills Comparison

Posted by Brad Johnson on 07/13/2007 at 12:51PM

Resources From the Future has posted a comparison of the climate change bills introduced in the 100th Congress, including

  • Bingaman-Specter’s Low Carbon Economy Act (S. 1766)
  • Udall-Petri discussion draft
  • Lieberman-McCain Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act (S. 280)
  • Kerry-Snow Global Warming Reduction Act (S. 485)
  • Waxman Safe Climate Act (HR 1590)
  • Sanders-Boxer Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act (S. 309)
  • Feinstein-Carper Electric Utility Cap and Trade Act (S. 317), electric utility cap-and-trade
  • Alexander-Lieberman Clean Air/Climate Change Act (S. 1168), electric utility cap-and-trade
  • Stark Save Our Climate Act (HR 2069), a carbon tax bill

This chart (pdf) compares the cap-and-trade mechanisms, and This graph (pdf) compares the emission reduction goals of the bills. View the graph below the fold.