From the Wonk Room.
The Washington Post’s Al Kamen
reports Center for American Progress senior fellow Robert
Sussman “is
returning to the Environmental Protection Agency” as “senior policy
to EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, advising
her on climate and environmental issues across the agency.” An official
announcement is expected shortly. Before joining the Center for American
Progress, Sussman was the Deputy Administrator during the Clinton
administration, serving under Carol
now President Obama’s White House energy and environment adviser.
Sussman was a regular blogger for CAP’s Wonk Room, writing on the Mary Gade scandal, the Bush administration, and climate legislation. Sussman challenged the argument that laws like the Clean Air Act, the National Environmental Policy Act, and the Endangered Species Act are not applicable to the threat of global warming:
The truth is that our environmental laws were not written to be static. They are flexible tools to address unanticipated or emerging problems that science identifies over time.
Sussman’s work for the Center for American Progress highlighted that approach. He crafted recommendations for regulatory and funding mechanisms to spur the development of carbon capture and sequestration technology for coal plants, “to reconcile reliance on coal for electricity with the need to reduce the threat of global warming.”