WonkLine: March 25, 2010

Posted by on 03/25/2010 at 02:47PM

From the Wonk Room.

I think the bill we came up with is the right approach,” Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) said about the climate legislation she introduced with Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA). Cantwell agreed that she prefers a limited carbon market.

A “lack of significant precipitation, above average temperatures and the disappearance of snow in what normally is the second snowiest month” is causing an early start to wildfire season in Minnesota, and because of drought a “thousand forest fires burnt through Cuba in the first quarter of 2010 alone.”

Deforestation slowed in the last decade, in the first sign that global conservation efforts are bearing fruit, but an area the size of Costa Rica is still being destroyed each year,” the United Nations said on Thursday.