On the Road to U.N.-Bali Climate Change: Creating Global Consensus on a Sustainable Model of an Avioided Deforestation

Global Nexus Institute
District of Columbia
11/01/2007 at 08:30AM

As the Kyoto Protocol will expire in 2012, world leaders will gather in Bali in December, 2007 to discuss future alternative solutions tackling climate change issues.

The United States has agreed to join this group of world leaders as an active participant in the Bali summit and is willing to work with other countries to establish initiatives.

Indonesia, as the host country together with Forestry- 11 (countries with the largest tropical rainforests) is committed to preserving its environment as long as such efforts do not negatively impact its economy.

Global Nexus Institute, an Indonesian based think tank with offices in Jakarta and Washington DC invites you to join us in a discussion on these issues.

  • What happened with the Kyoto Treaty and what should we expect from Bali?
  • What is the US position on this issue?
  • Is Sustainable Development using Avoided Deforestation the answer to the climate change challenge?
  • What will it take to implement it?
  • Who is going to finance it?
  • How do we determine the baseline and monitoring system?

WELCOMING REMARKS His Excellency Sudjadnan Parnohadiningrat, Indonesian Ambassador to the United States


  • Gerhard Dieterle – Forestry Advisor, World Bank
  • Steven Ruddell – Director of Forest Investnment & Sustainibility, Forecon Inc.
  • Dr. Neil Franklin – Sustainability Director, APRIL Asia
  • Annie Petsonk – International Counsel, Environmental Defense
  • Harlan Watson – U.S. Department of State
  • Christianto Wibisono – President, Global Nexus Institute


  • Paul Miller, Partner, Miller/Wenhold Capitol Strategies

Holeman Lounge at the National Press Club 529 14th Street NW, Washington DC 20045