The Role of Coal in a New Energy Age

House Energy Independence and Global Warming Committee
210 Cannon

04/14/2010 at 09:30AM

As Congress continues to push for a comprehensive clean energy and climate bill, questions remain regarding the coal industry’s position on the essential science of climate change and their potential to provide cleaner, lower-carbon fuel in the decades to come. The House-passed Waxman-Markey bill offered a pathway for coal to transition to carbon capture and sequestration technologies.

The coal mining industry has seen significant developments over the last two weeks. A mining accident in West Virginia has renewed questions about the safety of coal extraction, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has offered new rules on the environmental and health impacts of mountaintop mining.


  • Gregory Boyce, President and Chief Executive Officer, Peabody Energy Corporation
  • Steven F. Leer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Arch Coal, Inc.
  • Preston Chiaro, Chief Executive for Energy and Minerals, Rio Tinto
  • Michael Carey, President, Ohio Coal Association