On April 9th we will engage in a mass, nonviolent
direct action at the power plant
that burns all of Senator Joe Manchin’s fossil fuel – where he earns
$500,000 per year while killing climate legislation.
Through a large-scale act of civil disobedience that “breaks through” the noise and the social media clutter, we can not just move one specific player, but shake the ground on which the game is played. We can help elevate climate change to the center of the domestic agenda – and make this crisis impossible for the White House and Congress to ignore.
We chose the Grant Town Power Plant specifically because we need the world to know how corrupt Joe Manchin is. He is not some thoughtful, grandfatherly, moderate. He is raking in $500,000 per year from his coal company while single-handedly gutting climate legislation. He also directed his appointees to raise electricity rates on us working-class West Virginians in order to keep his coal business afloat.