Cutting Methane Pollution: Safeguarding Health, Creating Jobs, and Protecting Our Climate

House Climate Crisis Committee
210 Cannon

24/06/2022 at 09:00AM

The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis will hold a hearing titled “Cutting Methane Pollution: Safeguarding Health, Creating Jobs, and Protecting Our Climate” on Friday, June 24, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. ET. The hearing will take place in Room 210 of the Cannon House Office Building and via Zoom video conferencing.

This hearing will review community perspectives on the public health, climate, jobs, and economic benefits of cutting methane pollution from oil and gas infrastructure.


  • Patrice Tomcik, Senior National Field Manager, Moms Clean Air Force. Tomcik’s advocacy and policy work focus on equitable solutions to protect children’s health from air pollution and climate change. A resident of Pennsylvania, she first became involved with Moms Clean Air Force as a volunteer, joining other local parents to push for clean air safeguards after fracking was permitted at gas wells near her children’s schools.
  • Sarah Ann Smith, Chief of Programs, Clean Air Task Force. A member of Clean Air Task Force’s senior leadership team, Smith led the growth of the organization’s methane emissions reduction program, building up a small team into a substantial global operation on four continents.