Markup of Oceanic Research Cybersecurity, Pipeline Research, Low-Pollution Cement Research, Satellite Commercialization, and other bills

House Science, Space, and Technology Committee
2318 Rayburn

03/20/2024 at 10:00AM

Full committee markup.


  • H.R. 7630, the Accelerating Networking, Cyberinfrastructure, and Hardware for Oceanic Research Act (ANCHOR Act, Mike Garcia, R-Calif.), to require a plan to improve the cybersecurity and telecommunications of the U.S. Academic Research Fleet
  • H.R. 7073, the Next Generation Pipelines Research and Development Act (Randy Weber, R-Texas), to improve public-private partnerships and increase Federal research, development, and demonstration related to the evolution of next generation pipeline systems
  • H.R. 7685, the Innovative Mitigation Partnerships for Asphalt and Concrete Technologies Act (IMPACT Act), to support research and development of advanced technologies to improve the efficiency of cement, concrete, and asphalt production
  • H.R. 272, the Astronaut Safe Temporary Ride Options Act (ASTRO Act)
  • H.R. 6219, the Accessing Satellite Data to Enable New Discoveries Act (ASCEND Act), directing the NASA Administrator to establish a commercial satellite data acquisition program with NASA’s Science Mission Directorate
  • H.R. 7687, the NASA Streamlining Partnerships for Research and Education for Engineering and Science Act (SPREES Act)
  • H.R. 4152, the Space Resources Institute Act
  • H.R. 7686, the Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program Definition Clarification