09 2008
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Senate Stimulus Package Would Restore Oil Shale Moratorium
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Reid-Byrd, oil shale, stimulus
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Responding to Climate Change: A Role for Ecosystems
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Continuing Resolution To Drop Drilling Moratorium; GOP Celebrates Democratic 'Capitulation'
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offshore drilling
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Senate Passes Baucus-Grassley Tax Extenders Package With Clean And Dirty Fuel Incentives
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HR 6049, SA 5633, Baucus-Grassley, PTC, ITC
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Environmental Coalition on Baucus-Grassley: 'Pass Clean Energy Incentives; Strip out Provisions that Support Dirty Fuels'
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NWF, enviros, HR 6049, Baucus-Grassley, PTC, ITC, oil sands, CTL
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NWF Opposes "All Of The Above" Bill; LCV Opposes Even More Industry-Friendly Motion To Recommit
posted in
HR 6899, offshore drilling, enviros, LCV, NWF, PTC, RES