01 2008
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SOTU Excerpts on Energy Security and Climate Change
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SOTU, energy independence, international, China, technology fund
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Senators Push For Renewable Tax Credits in Stimulus
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House energy bill, PTC, stimulus package
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Are 1990 Levels by 2020 a Sufficient Cut?
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bali, UNFCCC, IPCC, emissions, international
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International Climate Change Negotiation: Bali and the Path Toward a Post-2012 Climate Treaty
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international, bali
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The nomination of Ed Schafer, of North Dakota, to be Secretary of Agriculture
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The Environmental Protection Agency's decision to deny the California waiver
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California waiver, CAFE, EPA
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Hearing Looks at Implications of Auction in Cap-and-Trade
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Lieberman-Warner, S 2191, cap and trade, auction, rebate
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Cap, Auction, and Trade: Auctions and Revenue Recycling Under Carbon Cap and Trade
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cap and trade, auction
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Rep. Markey Introduces Bill to Block Alaska Drilling Pending Polar Bear Decision
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Arctic, ESA, FWS, polar bear, sea ice, oil, gas, offshore drilling
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Polluters Believe This May Be the Best Year for Climate Legislation
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Lieberman-Warner, cap and trade, polar bear, coal, natural gas, oil, energy, lobbying
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National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission Report
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gas tax, transportation
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Administration Perspectives on United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali
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bali, UNFCCC, international
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At the Auto Show: Dingell Supports EPA's Denial of California Waiver
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California waiver, CAFE, EPA, cap and trade, enviros
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Around the Web: DNI, Biofuels, China, Coal Corruption
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DNI, national security, biofuels, ethanol, China, coal