12 2007
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California Reponses to California Waiver Denial
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CAFE, EPA, Massachusetts vs. EPA, California waiver, Detroit
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EPA Admin Denies California Waiver
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House energy bill, HR 6, CAFE, EPA, Massachusetts vs. EPA, California waiver, Detroit
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President Signs Energy Bill; NYT Praises Dingell, Slams Landrieu
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House energy bill, HR 6, RES, PTC, RFS, CAFE, lobbying, oil
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After Bali – the UN Conference and the Impact on International Climate Change Policy
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bali, UNFCCC
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The Road from Bali
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The Frame and Scale of the Climate/Energy Challenge: Issues and Implications
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communication, climate system
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Energy Security, Energy Urgency: Key Issues Facing the Next President
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international, security
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Enviro Groups Attack Nuclear, Coal Loan Provisions in Appropriations Omnibus
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HR 2764, nuclear, enviros, CTL
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White House-Approved Energy Bill Passes Senate 86-8
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House energy bill, HR 6, RES, PTC, RFS, CAFE
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Gore, Congress, Europe Assail U.S. Stance in Bali
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Forest restoration and hazardous fuels reduction efforts in the forests of Oregon and Washington
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Perspectives on the next phase of the global fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria
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health, international
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Energy Bill Filibustered By One Vote: Reid To Drop Oil-for-Renewable Tax Package
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House energy bill, HR 6, RES, PTC, RFS, CAFE
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Farm Bill Update: Lugar-Lautenberg and Dorgan-Grassley Fail Cloture Votes
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Dorgan-Grassley, farm bill, HR 2419, Lugar-Lautenberg, S 2228, S 2302, S 1486
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Consideration of Farm Bill and Energy Bill
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House energy bill, HR 6, farm bill, HR 2419, SA 3500, SA 3841
12 -
Reid Announces New Energy Bill Compromise, Drops RES
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House energy bill, HR 6, HR 3221, PTC, RES