02 2008
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Senate Stimulus Package Filibustered by One Vote
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stimulus package, PTC, HR 5140, SA 3983
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Investment Banks Set Coal Plant Carbon Guidelines
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coal, investment, corporate, CCS, renewable
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Chukchi Lease Sale Goes Forward; Still No Polar Bear Decision from FWS
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offshore drilling, FWS, MMS, polar bear, Arctic, enviros
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State Energy Activities: Innovative Solutions and Funding Issues
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regional, local, LIHEAP, weatherization, WAP, SEP
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Boxer, NRDC, ED Attack Friends of the Earth Campaign: "Defeatist", "Small", "Isolated"
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enviros, Lieberman-Warner, 100% auction, S 2191, Friends of the Earth, Environmental Defense
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Florida and Iowa Join EPA Lawsuit; California Seeks to Expedite Hearing
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air pollution, California waiver, EPA
01 2008
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Regulatory aspects of carbon capture, transportation, and sequestration and related bills, S.2323 and S.2144
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S 2323, S 2144, CCS, coal
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A report from the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission
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transportation, gas tax
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Polar Bear Fate Heats Up
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polar bear, Arctic, oil, gas, ESA, FWS, MMS, offshore drilling
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Friends of the Earth Launches Campaign Against Lieberman-Warner
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Friends of the Earth, enviros, Lieberman-Warner, S 2191
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Senate Finance Committee Includes Green Jobs, Renewables In Stimulus Package
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PTC, green jobs, energy efficiency, building, solar, fuel cell, stimulus package
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The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
posted in
PTC, green jobs, energy efficiency, stimulus package
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The threats and protections for the polar bear
posted in
Arctic, ESA, FWS, gas, offshore drilling, oil, polar bear, sea ice, MMS, MMPA